When the Sun Goes Down
June 9-10-11
8:00 PM
The Studio of the Sooner Theatre
110 E. Main St. in downtown Norman
Admission is free to public.
Seating is limited and on a first-come, first served basis.
Please be advised, this play deals with a sensitive subject
and contains strong language.
We are proud to announce the premiere of "'ANNA' When the Sun Goes Down," a new play written and directed by Ms. DWe Williams. The play is centered on the character of young Zephan, who has been raised by his Grandma Lois and who loves night-time adventures. Grandma Lois worries for him, though, as the nearest town is a Sundown Town. Through interviews and research Ms. Williams has crafted a piece which examines an era in Norman's history not widely known or taught.